/r/KanColle Waifu Wars X
The Rules
The Rules
How This Works
For those of you who aren't familiar with Anime Bracket, the contest is broken down into 3 phases.
Phase 1: Nominations
Duration: ~4 days from this post
Submit girls that you'd like to see in the contest
You can nominate as many girls as you want
Duplicates will be automatically and manually culled so go wild
Please don't use images from sites that disable hotlinking (danbooru, pixiv, etc). This will break the images and you'll lose your nominated image. Instead, reupload to an image host like imgur
You don't have to use the official art, you're trying to get your waifu noticed so dig through your collections and submit your best treasures
Phase 2: Eliminations
Lasts ~~a day~~ three days (EDIT: to give redditors the chance to really get their bets into the brackets...)
Votes determines the seed ranking of each girl
If there are more than 128 girls, only those 128 with the most votes move on to the brackets
You can vote for as many girls as you like in this round
Phase 3: Brackets
Each round lasts a day each
Divided into two groups of 64 girls
This phase determines the ultimate winner for this year's Waifu Wars
Nomination Rules
You can nominate as many girls as you want. Nominate everyone you like and leave the duplicate removal to the admins
Please don't submit multiple nominations for base and remodels of the same ship. Exceptions are those girls that get a name and class change like Taigei/Ryuuhou or Hibiki/Verniy
The "source" field can be anything you want. We got some zingers last WW so get creative.
The following girls are deemed excluded from nominations, since they already won the previous Wars:
Yuudachi - WW1
Shigure - WW2
Haruna - WW3 & 4
Shoukaku - WW5
Zuikaku - WW6
Saratoga - WW7
Yamato - WW8
Atlanta - WW9