Best Husbando: /r/otomegames 2024 Edition
The Rules
Eligible: Otome game characters who got a dedicated romantic route.
Fill in the name, game title, and link to an image where I can get a good headshot. VNDB is a good one-stop source! This site will take care of the cropping, but please avoid Wikia and Twitter if you can, as they don't upload correctly and thus delays the nomination process.
The more nominations, the better. No restrictions on game source--any language, any age rating, any platform, any price point--as long as it's classified as otome per subreddit definition.
AnimeBracket Flow
See About page for explanation on how Nomination, Elimination, and Voting works, including seeding.
An example of tiebreaker from Best Husbando 2018: Hajime Saito (Seed 8) and Arsène Lupin (Seed 5) both got 134 notes. Lupin triumphed because his seed is the higher rank. Call it karma, if you'd like.
During voting, the entrant's number is their seed, not current votes. No one should be able to see the voting progress.