/r/RWBY First Annual Meme Ship Wars

The Rules

/r/RWBY's Ship wars have become oppressive under the regime of the Big Four. The big ships leave no room for innovation! No room for fun! No! Room! For! Memery!

So we made our own tournament! With Blackjack! And Hookers. Actually, forget the Blackjack. And the Hookers.

Today, we are fighting for our freedom. From tyranny, oppression, persecution, and, dare I say it, annihilation! We are fighting for our right to meme! And should we win the day, it will be remembered as the day we declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to meme on! We're going to survive! Today, we celebrate our Meme Ship Tournament!

And this totally isn't a trap designed to cause a sufficient influx of angst and salt to power chaotic magics of unspeakable darkness. Where'd you get that idea? Don't talk about it. It's unspeakable.


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