Best Girl of Fall 2017: Seasonal Salt!
The Rules
Only female looking characters (No Males/Traps) that have appeared in a 2017 TV Fall anime are allowed (No OVAs/Specials).
TV Sequels/2nd cour girls are NOT allowed. Examples of these: Erina Nakiri, Jeanne d'Arc, and Umaru Doma.
Characters with Non-TV Animeography beforehand can have a max of three total works.
~Side note: a character like Rindou Kobayashi would be allowed since this is her first TV anime appearance and only 1 previous OVA.
Limit to 4 Characters per franchise, these will be determined in the elimination round.
Check the Seasonal list to see all Fall 2017 TV anime.
Use only the pictures from MAL for your nomination please.
~Last note: please don't nominate characters who have almost zero screentime, thanks.
Have Fun Nominating!