Best Character Contest 2: Of Kings and Salthood
The Rules
Only characters who have made their debut in an anime as late as Fall 2015 are eligible. Please do not nominate a character that has only appeared in an anime that has aired in 2016. (Yes, that means no Rem for this contest. If you nominate her, I will delete her.)
Only characters who are able to communicate with other characters or the audience are allowed. (For example, Meowth and MewTwo are allowed because they verbally communicate with other characters and the audience. Pikachu is not allowed because while he communicates with other characters via Pokemon-language, the audience and human characters cannot hold a conversation with him based on the human language. )
The picture you use for your nomination must come from MAL (MyAnimeList). If the picture is not a MAL picture the nomination will be deleted.
PLEASE check the Character List first before nominating to prevent repeats.
Roy Mustang is ineligible for this contest, due to winning the last Best Character Contest.
Have fun!